Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Sometimes what happens is that when a woman decides to wear the Hijab, there are members in the family that disagree. These Muslim women need to remember that they are struggling but that they are beautiful and Allah will reward them in this world and also more importantly in the Hereafter. Hijab, the head-covering worn by Muslim women, is an outer manifestation of an inner commitment to worship God. Abu Shiqa also commented that in many third world countries, sayings of the Prophet are fabricated in order to provide support and evidence that are important to that particular society. The Importance of Hijab and Its Role in Islam Hijab, defined as a headdress covering Muslim women, is one of the most visible and identifiable symbols of Islam. Hence, the Muslim woman then compares herself to that woman which causes her to feel ashamed of her own Hijab. While in some of the Muslim countries a hijab is a cultural and religious norm, it has caused a lot of controversy in Western countries, which often interpret the hijab as a symbol of the oppression of Muslim women. However, some Muslim women believe that the wearing of the Hijab is the right and the choice of the Muslim woman. Islam is a religion that believes in fairness and justice. hijab. I say to them, please have faith in the All Merciful and All Knower, he will take care of those that strive to get closer to him. Perhaps she has reached the age of puberty and her Wali (guardian) has instructed her to wear it. This is of importance because it shows that in Islam, God is not related to Jesus. To promote the overall well being of the Muslim woman, some contemporary educators and scholars such as Qasim Amin, a pro-Western Egyptian journalist, lawyer, and politician in the last century wanted to bring Egyptian society from a state of “backwardness” into a state of “civilization” and modernity. Christianity And Islam Compare And Contrast Essay An interesting part about this is that Islam does not believe Jesus was the Son of God, they believe he was a messenger of God, a prophet. Paul Sheehan in his piece titled ‘Twisting Islam to justify cruelty’ which appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald (27/05/2013) responds to the 2013 murder of Drummer Lee Rigby, a British soldier, and explores the Islamic stance on the killing of non-Muslims. There have been various regulations even in progressive countries like France regarding wearing a hijab in public places and this shows that hijab is misunderstood, The Importance of Hijab and Its Role in Islam Hijab in Islam is compulsory and is required for all women after the age of puberty. Indonesia has remained a great example of the importance of the separation of religion and state, even they are having the largest Muslim population. The issue of Hijab can be analyzed from several perspectives. In this essay, the main goal will be to discuss the history of hijab and talk about its importance for Muslim women and men. 835 Words 4 Pages. Women are not forced to cover nor are they second-class citizens in Islam. Yakubu Yahaya Ibrahim “A Glance al-surah Al-Ahzab” is another very important literature on this topics the way and manner in which Muslim woman is expected to dress in the society with the heading “model dressing’ based on the Qur’an and sunnah of the prophet (S.A.W). The Importance of Hijab and Its Role in Islam Hijab, defined as a headdress covering Muslim women, is one of the most visible and identifiable symbols of Islam. It’s important to note than not all Muslims wear hijab, and some justify it by saying that hijab is a cultural requirement rather than religious. While in some of the Muslim countries hijab is a cultural and religious norm, it has caused a lot of controversy in other countries, like Western countries which often interpret hijab as a symbol of oppression of Muslim women. They are not forced or pressured to wear a veil and they are not forced to cover their hair when they are around men that are not their Mahrrams (men that they are able to marry). He believed women should get away from this backward form of living and become modernized by removing the hijab and conforming to society at large. Thus Islam is a religion that wants all the Muslims, men and women, to become free, rational people. There are no excuses or allowances for certain women to wear or not to wear. The view of the Hijab being a tool of oppression among western civilizations has been challenged by Muslim women of all ages and backgrounds through adopting the Hijab and defending their right to wear the Hijab. Often times many Muslim sisters in Islam are not properly encouraged once they begin to observe the requirements of Hijab. What ever the issue or reason behind this endeavor, a Muslim woman who does not truly know the superiority of Hijab will always remain jealous of the women of the Kuffar. He says that Islamists have made up sayings which they attributed to the Prophet such as ‘women are lacking both intellect and religion’ and in many cases they brought sayings, which are not reliable at all and promoted them among Muslims until they became part of the Islamic culture. Essay On The Hijab 840 Words | 4 Pages. In regards to what Islam teaches about hijab meaning, the word ‘Hijab’ comes from the Arabic word ” Hijaba” which means hijab is to cover or have a barrier. Some people strongly oppose this idea, saying that hijab is required by Allah as described in Quran, but for some, this might be a relatively outdated or anachronistic requirement. But we, as Muslims, say that the women are liberated and gain even more independence by wearing the Hijab and by respecting their religious duties. Islam does not only look at women as the ones that need to be protected, but Islam makes it compulsory that the men also lower their gaze when walking near Muslim women that are not their mahrams. Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali in his book Sunna Between Fiqh and Hadith said that those who claim that women’s reform is conditioned by wearing the veil are lying to God and his Prophet. Hijab is a test for the Muslim woman. The religion of Islam has become a controversial issue in today’s 21st century. Hijab, defined as a headdress covering Muslim women, is one of the most visible and identifiable symbols of Islam. In conclusion, it is very clear that Islam is a religion of just, peace and fairness to all the believers. However the main purpose is to establish the equality of man and woman in the sight of God who created them both in like manner, from like substance, and gave to both the equal right to develop their own potentialities. Importance of Hijab and Its Role in Islam Hijab, defined as a headdress covering Muslim women, is one of the most visible and identifiable symbols of Islam. These issues exist in all religions, in all regions of the world. Significance of the Veil in Islam According to Islam, the veil has immense significance, which is believed to be supported by the Quran, the holy book of Muslims. According to the Qur’an the reason why Muslim women should wear an outer garment when going out of their houses is so that they may be recognized as “believing” Muslim women and differentiated from streetwalkers for whom sexual harassment is an occupational hazard. It is the principle of modesty and includes behaviour as … Therefore, Muslims don’t need pity from any one; they don’t need understanding or a should to cry on simply because they are independent, happy, strong women that chose to follow the teachings of their religion. This contradicts the opinions and views that Muslims in the past and today have towards the Hijab. While in some of the Muslim countries a hijab is a cultural and religious norm, it has caused a lot of controversy in Western countries, which often interpret the hijab as a symbol of the oppression of Muslim women. I strongly believe that banning the Hijab is a desecration of one’s religious beliefs and freedom; it is also an object of controversy, Concerning the social context, honor and respect are two significant values that the ‘hijab’ represents. Little do these ignorant people know. In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Islam is based on five pillars which serve as the foundation of the religion. One of the verses in the Qur’an protects a woman’s fundamental rights. Importance Of Hijab In Islam - NikahExplorer. In spite of this, in this post 9/11 era, society has greatly criticizes the hijab, as it is denoted as a non-western, The Importance of the Sikh Turban and Muslim Hijab Thus the Qur’an liberated the women from the indignity of being sex objects into persons. Let a Professional Expert Help You, Ask a professional expert to help you with your text, Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree to the terms and conditions of our service. Because of the portrayal of women in the Arab world through pop-culture and the media, some Westerners may believe that Islam creates a society in need of modernity. One of the issues that occurs is the Hijab in both the Western and Islamic worlds. Al-Ghazali’s argument is that Islam has made it compulsory on women not to cover their faces during the pilgrimage and prayers, the two important pillars of Islam. The word Hijab is taken from the Arabic word 'Hajaba' which means to hide or to conceal. Although this verse is directed in the first place to the Prophet’s “wives and daughters”, there is a reference also to “the believing women” hence it is generally understood by Muslim societies as applying to all Muslim women. Often in the face of criticism by many political figures in attempting to ban … Argumentative Essay On Hijab Muslim women consider it a part of worship and a very serious issue. It is clear from the Qur’an and the Hadiths that hijab is a religious obligation, which a woman has to undertake. Perhaps she has recently reverted to the Islamic religion and her Muslim friends have informed her of the importance of Hijab or even more common is perhaps her husband has commanded her to wear Hijab.
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