PRINT. … Contact Us Let us solve your wastewater challenges. Address:No. 1. MOSCOW -- Well Resources Inc. announced the successful start-up of a brownfield Ionikylation unit in Sinopec’s 161,000 barrel-per-day refinery in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, as per Hydrocarbonprocessing.The unit, capable of producing 300,000 tonnes-per-year of high quality alkylate, is the largest commercial adoption of the Ionikylation technology to date. Owner: Sinopec Jiujiang Company. The three platforms are expected to handle every business activity inside the company, from development and construction to production operations management and control. Every year, the company processes 10 million tons of crude oil and produces 300,000 tons of synthetic ammonia, 520,000 tons of … Release time:Dec 03, 2018. FAQ; Jobs and Careers; Global Website. 2. Sinopec Jiujiang Company, a subsidiary of Sinopec Group, is located on the northern bank of the Yangtze River and to the south of Mountain Lushan. Nov ember, SUPCON passed the APC (Advanced Process Control) project acceptance test of SINOPEC Jiujiang Company - one of the National 13th Five-Year project; and SINOPEC Luoyang Company - one of the consumption & emission balance and optimization demonstration project.. SINOPEC Jiujiang Company aim s to upgrade from "centralized control" mode to "intelligent control" mode. Size: Small Medium Big. Sinopec Jiujiang Company, a subsidiary of Sinopec Group, is located on the northern bank of the Yangtze River and to the south of Mountain Lushan. Seismic exploration. To achieve company objectives, Sinopec Jiujiang plans to construct three large platforms, consisting of eight primary production systems and two supporting IT systems for each. The refinery supplies more than 70 percent of the fuel market of Jiangxi province . Please check your mailbox and activate your account. An email to activate your account has been sent to your mailbox. Have not got the email? Siemens Energy has received an order from Sinopec Jiujiang Petrochemical Company for the supply of a refinery wastewater treatment system that includes PACT biological treatment, Wet Air Regeneration (WAR) and a Hydro-Clear filter system, and a Zimpro wet air oxidation (WAO) system for spent caustic treatment. Please check whether your email address is correct or not. Sinopec Jiujiang Company started making a profit in 2015 and its profit in 2017 exceeded USD 252 million (CNY 1.6 billion), ranking at the top among the enterprises of the same scale. Capital expenditures for the chemicals segment were RMB 10.458 billion, mainly for Zhongke, Zhenhai, and Gulei, ethylene revamping for Sinopec-SK and Jiujiang … Shareholders: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Limited (SINOPEC) ... Coordinates: 29.740461,116.066279. The Sinopec Jiujiang Petchem replaced its “Eureka Coker (really thermal process not coker)” process in 2001 with a delayed coker after integration and reorganization as Sinopec Jiujiang Company. Despite facing the government’s most aggressive environmental regulations, the Sinopec Jiujiang Company sought to increase production from 57 million barrels to 72 million barrels annually. The Sinopec Jiujiang refinery, located in Jiangxi province, is expected to process 20 percent more crude oil in the fourth quarter, it said in a report posted on the group’s website. Sinopec Jiujiang Company, a subsidiary of China's top oil refiner Sinopec Corp. (SNP.NYSE; 00386.HK; 600028.SH), recently saw the operation of its 8-million-tonne/year expansion project, said a release by Sinopec Group on Tuesday. BEIJING, Aug. 26, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation ("Sinopec" or the "Company")(HKEX: 386; SSE: 600028;NYSE: SNP) today announced its … Sinopec Jiujiang Company, a subsidiary of Sinopec Group, is located on the northern bank of the Yangtze River and to the south of Mountain Lushan. SNEI delivered this EPC project based on Sinopec's low-temperature methanol wash semi-lean solution circulation technology and coal slurry gasification at 4.0MPa. 181. Sinopec Jiujiang Company One of China’s largest petrochemical plant achieves a key by-product: clean water. an optimization model that is subject to a complex first-principle . In oil and gas exploration, seismic exploration is the most important and effective method. Brief overview of smart manufacturing at Sinopec. Legal navigation. Sinopec Jiujiang Company’s intelligent refinery: Oil and gas trade: Blockchain technology: Liquified natural gas (LNG) trade: 3.1. 08-01-2014. Sinopec Jiujiang Company Started LSFO Exports. Sinopec - Jiujiang Oil Refinery ... Products: Gasoline, Kerosene, Diesel Fuel, Asphalt Naphtha, LPG. Sinopec Corp <0386.HK> has started building a 18,000 barrel per day (bpd) gasoline hydrofining unit at its Jiujiang plant in southern Jiangxi province to boost petrol quality, the company …
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