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Gordon reveals that Dent is refusing medication and skin grafts. As of 2021, Aaron Eckhart’s is not dating anyone. Aaron is 53 years old. ...In the third, the Joker would go on trial, scarring Dent in the process." His teachers at school agreed to that and gave him good grades. "The next one would have Batman enlisting the aid of Gordon and Dent in bringing down the Joker... but not killing him, which is a mistake they made in the first one. After Dent lost the love of his life and was deeply corrupted by the Joker … It's only after Gordon reveals himself as alive and well, and that the Joker has been captured, that Dent is set free. Producer Charles Roven described Dent as initially the "white knight of the city". by Willow Green | Posted on 16 02 2007. During his final confrontation with both Batman and James Gordon, Dent, when told by Gordon that the cops became concerned with his disappearance and that the place was surrounded, Dent said "You think I want to escape from this? Each night, the senior Dent used a coin to decide whether his son would get a beating. Although as interested in shutting down the mob's funds as Gordon is, Dent is curious as to Gordon's involvement with the vigilante known as Batman, as the police made use of lightly irradiated bills in order to track down which banks the mob uses. He was portrayed by Aaron Eckhart in The Dark Knight. Apologizing for the death of Rachel Dawes, the Joker manages to deflect the blame from himself onto Gordon, Batman, Maroni and the corrupt officers. His death also led to "Harvey Dent Day" where the city celebrates the honor of their former White Knight. MC. Two-Face (Christopher McDonald) 9. MG. Maggie Gyllenhaal Rachel Dawes. For Two-Face's make-up, Eckhart warned, "When you look at him, you should get sick to your stomach. Quelltext bearbeiten Versionsgeschichte Diskussion (0) Teilen. A torrent of emotions envelops him, as Dent bawls and screams in grief. Thankfully, the gun jams, and Dent subdues the witness with a punch before the man is taken down and handcuffed by officers. The flip of the coin lands in the Joker's favor, however, and Dent lets the man leave. Oddly, although he didn't believe it possible for him, he was willing to use his face as a tool to reap whatever benefits it conferred. Two-Face (William Shatner) 7. Dent changes the subject, asking Gordon again what the nickname was members of the MCU called him. Posted on Sunday, July 15th, 2007 by Peter Sciretta. GO. There are fans on the Internet who have done artist's versions of what they think it will look like, and I can tell you this: They're thinking small; Chris is going way farther than people think.". Aaron Eckhart on Two-Face. Aaron Eckhart His left side is horrifically burnt, leaving muscles and an eye exposed. While many of these cops, along with several corrupt courthouse officials, gave him the unflattering nickname "Harvey Two-Face", others became inspired by Dent's investigations and offered to promote him to District Attorney following the death of previous DA Carl Finch. He believes that Batman isn't looking to fight crime for the rest of his life and is searching for a successor. ", During the crisis that his threats against the city cause, the Joker disguises himself and infiltrates Gotham General to speak to Dent. He's a crime fighter, he's not killing good people. He showed slight cynicism and borderline cruelty towards criminals, such as Lau and Thomas Schiff. After a phone call warning Rachel to get to safety, away from the MCU, he then goes on to interrogate the captured thug. Er hat noch zwei ältere Brüder. Two-Face trägt immer seinen Silberdollar, der an beiden Seiten mit einem Kopf geprägt ist, mit sich herum. Two-Face (Aaron Eckhart) 3. Aaron Eckhart says goodbye to Batman. However, Gordon's speech was stolen by Bane, former member of The League of Shadows, who read aloud the paper he holds about the "madman" that tried to kill Gordon's son, causing all the inmates of Blackgate Prison to become angry and inspire them to help Bane take over the city. With no time left, Batman immediately dashed forward and dragged the struggling Dent away. Motivated by his need for vengeance, He becomes the villain Two-Face begins to pursue those responsible for the death of Rachel and his disfigurement. Two-Face: Wahrer Name: Harvey Dent Alias: Der weiße Ritter Harvey Two-Face Gespielt/Synchronisiert von: Aaron Eckhart. Aaron Eckhart ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler. He admits that he perceives him as a necessity, needed during these dark times. März 1968 in Cupertino, Kalifornien geboren. Quietly, Dent builds the conversation to ask Dawes how she would feel about marriage. After his death, he became incredibly charismatic: The people of Gotham looked up to his legacy and for what he was believed to have stood for. 18 months would go by between appeals, giving the mayor enough time to clean up and make considerable improvements to Gotham City. MF. But before accepting this, he makes a desperate plea to the people not to give into the whims of a terrorist. His wish came true at age 10, when his father moved out of the house, saying that he couldn't stand the sight of either of them, and took up residence in a rented room near the precinct where he worked. Gary Oldman James Gordon. Seine Wahl findet im Rahmen einer viralen Marketingkampagne statt, die vor der Veröffentlichung von The Dark Knight publiziert wurde. Watch this Aaron Eckhart video, Early Role of Aaron Eckhart (aka Harvey Dent / Two-Face) , on Fanpop and browse other Aaron Eckhart videos. Two-Face believes this to be a fair assessment, and flips the coin for Batman. When it lands bad heads, Dent buckles in and shoots the chauffeur in the back of the head, resulting in a car crash that leaves Maroni's fate uncertain, but likely dead. A few moments later, Dent interrupts the conversation between Dawes and Wayne to speak to his girlfriend. He also showed signs of deep-seated nihilism (although not to the extent of the Joker) during this time by declaring his belief his murderous actions were the closest thing in the world to true fairness during his final confrontation with Batman and James Gordon. Two-Face This earns the admiration of Wayne, who offers to throw Dent a fund raiser, promising him that he would never desire for campaign donations ever again. With no choices left, Batman agrees to take the blame for the murders, preserving Dent's public image. Aaron Eckhart: Two Face will wieder bei Batman 3 mitmachen Los Angeles: Aaron Eckhart (42) würde unheimlich gerne in 'Batman 3' mitmachen, auch wenn seine Rolle ja eigentlich tot ist. Dent, baffled by the Joker's actions, finally comes to a conclusion - whether or not the Joker lives would depend upon the toss of his lucky coin. With Gordon's family as his hostages, Two-Face then calls and taunts Gordon into coming to the ruins of what was originally his apartment. Two-Face (Aaron Eckhart) Bearbeiten. After being captured by Wuertz, Dent awakens in a warehouse stacked with drums of fuel. Lau makes an offer to hand over information on the mob's investments, Dent realizes he could charge virtually every member of the mafia in one giant RICO conspiracy case. Eight years after his death on Harvey Dent Day, Gordon attempts to tell the people about the truth behind Dent's death, but felt that they were not ready and resolved not to. Two-Face spins his coin on the table to decide the man's fate. Two-Face überlässt das Urteil über Leben und Tod eines anderen dabei nicht seiner persönlichen Entscheidung, sondern dem Zufall: Er wirft eine Münze, und macht das Schicksal der Person davon abhängig, ob das Ergebnis Kopf oder Zahl lautet. Auftritte: The Dark Knight. … With reluctance, Gordon calls him "Two-Face." Two-Face (Troy Baker) ADVERTISEMENT. He starred as Harvey Dent, also known as Two Face, in The Dark Knight. All leveled against 549 suspects. IMDB page for Aaron Eckhart Wikipedia page Neben seinem Auftritt im Film "Thank You For Smoking" ist Aaron Eckart vor allem durch die Rolle des "Harvey „Two-Face“ Dent" im Film "The Dark Knight" einem breiten Publikum bekannt geworden. After the second toss, the coin is caught by Batman, who had just returned from interrogating Sal Maroni. Dark Knight Trilogy novelization characters, https://batman.fandom.com/wiki/Two-Face_(Nolanverse)?oldid=228810, Aaron Eckhart believes that had he survived the events of. Dent knows first-hand that there are men within Gordon's unit who cannot be trusted, and the difference makes a rift between the two. Unbeknownst to Harvey at the time, the coin was double-headed, meaning that no matter which side it landed, it would always result in him getting being beaten by his father's nightstick. Appearances: In lock up, Dent is cheered for by the GCPD as he marches towards the escort van to take him to county. Fortunately for Ramirez, it lands in her favor, and Two-Face just knocks her unconscious. With Lau's evidence, Gordon takes all members of the mafia into custody, including Sal Maroni and the Chechen. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Michael Caine Alfred Pennyworth. While at an impressive dinner with Dawes, Bruce Wayne happens to arrive at the same time with well known ballerina, Natasha. Harvey Dent starts off as selfless, charismatic, astute, idealistic, fearless and cerebral. The deed done, Two-Face chastises Ramirez for her betrayals of both Gordon and Rachel, and she in turn pleads that she only did it to save her mother, who desperately needed the funds for her hospital fees. He is an actor and producer, known for The Dark Knight (2008), Thank You for Smoking (2005) and Rabbit Hole (2010). When Lau is dropped off in front of the MCU, Dent observes the negotiations between Dawes and Lau. Batman decided that Harvey Dent was the hero of Gotham, not him, showing that he knew that Dent would appeal to the people as the fallen idol. SPOILER ALERT! Gordon at the time, was seeking five search warrants for an equal number of banks, as these were suspected of being holding reserves of the mob's life savings. Frustrated, Dent goes to the top of the MCU and activates the Bat-Signal, waiting for Batman to appear. It was then that Gordon, Dent and Batman hold a meeting as a triumvirate of Gotham's finest. Later that night, Dent arrives at Bruce Wayne's fundraiser with Rachel Dawes, scared at the prospects of meeting Gotham's upper class. His hard work ethic, however, allowed him to rise up to become Gotham City's youngest district attorney at the age of 26.At the time of his job as a district attorney, the worst criminal threat in Gotham City was Carmine \"the Roman\" Falcone. Harvey was very close to his mother, and he always loved the way she would comb his hair and dress him, telling him how handsome he looked. He was ruthless, callous and showed all the signs of becoming a sociopath: High intelligence, paranoia, carelessness, violence, manipulation, elusiveness, mercilessness, and disregard for the people's, and his own life. Aaron Eckhart wurde am 12. Matt Damon, Josh Lucas, Liev Schreiber, Ryan Phillippe, Hugh Jackman and Mark Ruffalo were all considered for the role before Eckhart was cast. Bane revealing the truth about Harvey Dent's hidden endeavours. He became vengeful and obsessed with killing the men whom he believed to be responsible for Rachel's tragic death. Relationship status. While locked within the van, Dent is unable to affect the battle that ensues mid-transit. Whereas Two-Face is an evil villain in the comics, Nolan chose to portray him as a twisted vigilante to emphasize his role as Batman's counterpart (he also seemed to act as a tragic villain), and Eckhart, who has played corrupt men in films such as The Black Dahlia, Thank You For Smoking and In the Company of Men, notes: "He is still true to himself. Diesen beschreibt er als eine "unvoreingenommene, unparteiische Fairness". Before the premiere of Batman Begins, co-story author David Goyer had considered ideas for future Batman films. The gasoline leaks from the top, spreading across the floor and covering the left side of Dent's face. General Information He was also extremely self-confident and rationally independent. Dent ist Staatsanwalt in Gotham City. It’s been 12 years since The Dark Knight was released in theatres and Aaron Eckhart, who played Harvey Dent/Two-Face in the Christopher Nolan -directed Batman movie, has reflected on the film’s impact. Despite being the secondary antagonist, Two-Face became the final antagonist of the film after Joker's defeat. The observing crowd laughs and applauds the confident DA. He was still capable of showing mercy to a certain extent, as he spared Ramirez from being killed despite her role in selling him and Rachel out to the Joker, and by extension the latter's death (settling only for punching her out instead), spared Joker, and avoided killing Sal Maroni directly via gunshot. As a result of this incident, Harvey was left to grow up alone in the dark apartment filled with an unidentifiable odor and the crack and groans of the old building, pitied by his classmates at school and the priests at the church that his mother sometimes attended. Wayne sees Dent as his heir, which comes back to the theme of him realizing that being Batman will be a lifelong mission, and the tragedy that follows when Dent is corrupted. Despite his assertions, the people demand that the Batman surrender. Aaron Eckhart appears as Harvey Dent in the Gotham Tonight special episodes. Aaron Eckhart hat zwei ganz unterschiedliche Gesichter und ist außerdem Präsident der USA — aber alles nur im Film. Durch den Tod von Rachel und der Verstümmelung seiner linken Gesichtshälfte erlitt er einen psychischen Wandel und wurde schlussendlich von der anarchistischen Ideologie des Jokers korrumpiert. He also implied when encountering Detective Wuertz that he considered himself "half-dead." Entdecke seine Biographie, Details seiner 29 Karriere-Jahre und alle News. Portrayed by: On that note, he implies with his final words to Wuertz before shooting him that he would have spared Wuertz if his coin went good side up. After much speculation that … Nolan and David S. Goyer had originally considered using Dent in Batman Begins, but they replaced him with the new character Rachel Dawes when they realized they "couldn’t do him justice". Rather than say that this is a deep stab at justice, Dent suggests instead that this be viewed as a tremendous break from crime for Gotham. Aaron Edward Eckhart (born March 12, 1968) is an American actor.Born in Cupertino, California, Eckhart moved to the United Kingdom at age 13, when his father relocated the family. Gordon arrives and is knocked down and disarmed. Although he didn't know what that meant, the boy was sure that it was not a compliment. Because Dent had ended all other money laundering operations in Gotham, it doesn't take long for the DA to peg Lau as the one who seized the funds before Gordon's unit could. Then, assuming this has killed Batman, Two-Face points the gun to his own head, but the flipped coin comes out on good heads, permitting him to survive by his own judgement. He is always seen with a handsome face consisting of a strong jaw, sparkling blue eyes, wavy blond hair and winning smile. ON September 4, 2008. Before Eckhart was cast in February 2007, Matt Damon was rumored to have passed on the role, and he confirmed in December 2009 that he was unavailable for it due to scheduling conflicts. However, Dent's legacy was tarnished when Bane revealed the true circumstances of his death. Two-Face (Travis Willingham) 4. Since then, Harvey only saw him once on the street accompanied by a middle aged woman who closely resembled his mother, and he never visited nor sent cards. Affiliation: Sein Vater war russlanddeutscher Abstammung, und seine Mutter hatte englische und schottische Wurzeln. Harry Dent (Father)Lucy Dent (Mother)Rachel Dawes (Fiancée)Jim GordonBatman Frustrated, Dent climbs into the cab of the ambulance and drives off to an undisclosed location. During his confrontation with Batman, Batman rescued Gordon's child while Dent was pushed and fell to his death. Two-Face then visits Maroni, having waited for him in his car. The next day, Jim Gordon visits Dent. The mayor agrees to this, but gives Dent a powerful warning that the mob aren't his only enemies, that anyone within Gotham who took pay from them would turn against the District Attorney. In an interview, Aaron Eckhart, who played the role of Harvey Dent aka Two-Face in the film, explained how excellent writing has helped The Dark Knight stand the test of time, and still be relevant. Under Bruce's urgings, the couples break bread, giving Wayne an opportunity to get to know Dent. Then, having kidnapped Ramirez, Two-Face forces her to trick Gordon's family into leaving their dwelling and coming to the warehouse where Rachel Dawes had died. However, should it fall on the burnt half, he would die. Despite Rachel's pleas, Dent explains that in doing this, Batman will have a chance to capture the Joker, and promises Rachel that he will go through with this with a flip of his coin, leaving it with her. Seine moralische Ideologie ist nur noch auf diesem System des Zufalls ausgerichtet. Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent/Two-Face: The Gotham district attorney who is hailed as Gotham's "White-Knight"; Dent's battle with the Joker turns Dent into a murderous, disfigured villain called "Two-Face". Unfortunately, the statement quickly becomes perjury when the witness jokingly states that he was, in fact, the leader of the Falcone Crime Family, stating that Sal was nothing but a fall guy. Harvey Dent's transformation into Two-Face. Dent turns to stare at a horrified Gordon, revealing the extent of the damage to his face. Harvey "Two-Face" speaking with the Joker at Gotham General. It was then that Two-Face was truly born. Before the mayor, Dent is called to explain this extremely difficult conspiracy case. Aaron Eckhart ist ein amerikanischer Schauspieler, Line Producer. Harvey Dent wird in The Dark Knight von Aaron Eckhart gespielt. However, after Rachel's death, Harvey was embittered beyond sanity and became murderous and smug. Growing up under an abusive father, he developed repressed mental-illnesses of his own, such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Batman then goes on to explain that if anyone saw what Dent was doing, the prosecution against the mafia would be destroyed, and the only way to stop the Joker is for Batman to turn himself in. The gasoline soaked half of Dent catches on fire and the man drops to the floor, writhing and screaming as flames consume half of his face. Upon meeting with Gordon, Dent confirms that because of the perjury, Sal Maroni could not be indicted, but also notes that the mafia will constantly be giving people second chances. You can set your address, phone number, email and site description in the settings tab. After acquiring this position, he spearheaded an initiative to weed out police corruption by investigating each cop, including those who ended up working in the city's recently-established Major Crimes Unit (MCU). Does that mean he became … Following his high school graduation, Dent spent his entire time at Gotham University and law school at State University studying with no intention of attending any proms, dances, football or basketball games. Some of these ideas were discarded during the pre-production for The Dark Knight. Regardless, Gordon does not permit Lau to be sent to County, in fear that the man would not survive lock up. He was motivated by his care for the people of Gotham and was selfless enough to do anything in order to protect them, even endanger his own life to the mercy of someone as sadistic and masochistic as the Joker. Unfortunately, the car is driven by Michael Wuertz, a corrupt cop on the payroll of Maroni. With permission from the presiding judge, Dent treats the witness as hostile to which the wiseguy produces a handgun and points it directly at Dent's chest. Bad (formerly good) Harvey Dent Aaron Eckhart als Harvey Dent/Two-Face in The Dark Knight. He has been engaged to Emily … Immediately, Dent goes on television to explain his gamble to capture the Joker, until at last he is escorted back to a car to be driven home. He was supported by his girlfriend, Rachel Dawes, and was responsible for locking up many of the city's corrupt officials and mobsters. Darauf antwortete der Schauspieler mit vielsagendem Grinsen: "Werde ich nicht? Dent ist der Meinung, dass er in einer ehrlosen, selbstgefälligen Zivilisation lebe und die einzig gerechte Perspektive der Zufall sei. It was during this time that Dent not only defends Batman, but also idolizes him. Mark Ruffalo audition for the role. Explaining that he is an agent of chaos, the Joker offers his life to Dent, giving the District Attorney a hand un and forcibly holding it to his own head. Driven insane by a desire for revenge for Rachel's death, Dent pursued those he felt responsible, ultimately holding Commissioner Gordon's family at gunpoint. However, both he and Rachel were captured and put in warehouses full of oil drums, and though Dent was rescued by Batman, half of his face was disfigured in the explosion. After escorting Dawes to safety, Dent gets into an ambulance with the suspect and seeks to question him, before realizing that his name tag lists the Joker's next intended target: Rachel Dawes. After a humorous and short meeting with Alfred, Dent is greeted by Wayne openly, receiving an embarrassing welcome as Wayne gives his support for Dent and encouraging a round of applause from all of the guests. As one of Batman's most enduring enemies, Two-Face belongs to the collective of adversaries that make up Batman's rogues gallery. But even as Gordon apologizes and turns to leave, Dent swears to him that he is not truly sorry, "Not yet. . Er gehört seit seiner Geburt der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage an und war auch an einer zweijähri… Die Münze ist auf einer Seite unversehrt und sauber, auf der anderen Seite ist sie jedoch schmutzig und zerkratzt. When he awakens, he finds his father's lucky coin, left there from an earlier visit by Batman while he was still unconscious. The basis of his case was made around the sworn testimony of a mafia wiseguy, leading Dent to accuse Maroni of seizing control of Gotham's organized crime while Carmine Falcone remains in Arkham Asylum. Aaron Eckhart Is Two Face Joining The Dark Knight. His father's status as a retired cop also prevented the proper authorities from intervening, and Harvey even learned of the Gotham City Police Department's disrespect for his mother when he was hiding under the stairwell of his parents' apartment and overheard a group of cops saying that she was once "one of them". At the press day for his upcoming indie film Towelhead, ComingSoon.net/Superhero Hype! White KnightTwo-Face By the time the law revealed itself to him, Dent became aware that his looks were what many thought was his greatest asset. Aaron Eckhart, Actor: The Dark Knight. It seems this Harvey Dent became Two-Face much earlier in life! Two-Face (Robert Picardo) 8. Using a hand gun and the flip of his coin, Dent threatens to kill the man unless he tells him everything he knows about the Joker. By Coming Soon. Er begann so unter dem Namen "Two-Face" einen Rachefeldzug gegen seiner Meinung nach Verdächtige am Mord seiner Freundin. Regisseur Christopher Nolan hat sich für Aaron Eckhart entschieden. Having won Gotham City's election for District Attorney, Dent wastes no time in bringing well known mob boss Sal Maroni to trial. Born in Gotham City to Harry Dent, a police officer, and Lucy Gold-Dent, a disrespected housewife, Harvey Dent was frequently abused by his father. Alignment: It lands bad heads, and with a shot to Batman's stomach. During the mayhem that ensued during The Jokers attack, Commissioner Loeb was killed after ingesting an acid thought to be his preferred alcoholic beverage. On the opposite end of a rigged landline phone, Rachel Dawes screams, having also been captured by Maroni's men. Batman Wiki ist eine Fandom-Comics-Community. ", implying that he by that point was willing to commit suicide or at the very least embrace being killed by the cops. He received a Golden Globe nomination for his role as Nick Naylor in the film, Thank You for Smoking. Aliases: Dent takes the handgun and quickly discerns that it's a Chinese weapon, laying it before Maroni and taunting him, "If you want to kill a public servant, Mr. Maroni, I recommend you buy American". One night at age 16, he came home late from his after-school job at a local pharmacy and found both of his parents dead in the same room; his father lying on the floor with a gun against his head (which bore a bloody hole) and his mother hanging from a knotted sheet attached to the ceiling around her neck. Harvey's death inspired the creation of the Dent Act, in which a criminal that was arrested would be denied parole, thus allowing the streets of Gotham to be clean of crime.

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