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While you could argue that Punisher's age being in his 50's or 60's will effect him against Bane. DC | BATMAN Films - Nolanverse. 20:09, 8 January 2009 (UTC) My opinion is that the Joker used someone else to load the gun in case Batman or someone else tried to identify the bullet for fingerprints. So many rules that have changed how going past infinite works, that there's even proof that the dimensional tiering rules applied differently from what infinity is. Batman was a 15-chapter serial film released in 1943 by Columbia Pictures and was the first appearance of the comic book character on film. Fandom: Batman, Nolanverse Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 2,319 Timeline: The Dark Knight, post-movie. I always laughed at the show's timeline.When Bruce was in the Beyond suit,Cops were using Tommy Guns and … He is a recurring nemesis of the superhero Batman, known for being augmented by a drug called Venom. Due to being a Character Sheet, beware of spoilers. To me, Batman resembles Black Mask when viewed by Crane in that scene. This page is for tropes related to characters appearing in director Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Posted by 4 years ago. Other... 900bv. His bedrock became as treacherous as quicksand. 2001 A.C. – Superman departs from Earth in search of Kryptonian survivors. A creature in the sewers leaves John in less than perfect shape. The timeline changing events of Crisis may have at least grafted some of the events of the Nolanverse into the Arrowverse, allowing some events to mirror the films. 2 people like this. Based on this line by the Joker, “Let's wind the clocks back a year: These cops and lawyers wouldn't dare cross any of you, so what happened? Close. He witnessed the amazing performance of The Flying Graysons. Batman nolanverse: What if the joker was accidentaly created by the scarecrow? Early Life & Parent's Deaths As a child, Tim Drake was obsessed with the circus. Fan Fic Headlines Videos. Dog of War . Remember when infinite was taking as a big deal enough with Multiversal and Hyperversal being within finite, those are old dead times now, with the term infinite being cut off forever as no longer the dominant tier. You can lock them away… forever.The Joker A lion doesn't pass judgement on a gazelle. He is most known as the supervillain who "broke that bat", as Bane once managed to break Batman's spine. ". Home News TV Comics Features Reviews Interviews Anime Gaming Toons Wrestling Members. Drake was the second person to figure out Batman's identity. - Page 3. It's not like the Nolanverse where we see most of his career, no, there are HUNDREDS of game-worthy events following the Arkhamverse Batman that we never see. So I'm making a timeline of all of Batman's adventures, whether they be entire 7-hour long games or sentence-long references in one of those games. 1 Real world timeline 2 Universe timeline 2.1 Early History 2.2 17th Century 2.3 18th Century 2.4 19th Century 2.5 20th Century 2.6 21st Century 3 Trivia For full list of media see: List of released Media 13,000,000,000 BC circa The Red Sun later named Rao forms. in Timeline Photos. Just one bad day.The Joker's most famous quote. He would have a record, mugshot, he would be on file (and was, which is how Batman pinpointed him), while the Joker was never ID in TDK's timeframe. It's possible that the history of this version of Gotham City may now use the continuity of the first two Nolan films as a groundwork. They allow for standalone films entirely separate from the major timeline, ... to Michael Keaton’s Batman, and even to the Nolanverse. Batman Arkham ENTIRE Storyline of all Batman games in 3 Minutes! View Full Size. There's an other one : Dec 13, 2019. Menu. TV Shows. The events of the movie Steel occur: John Henry Irons becomes a superhero, following the footsteps of the last son of Krypton he admires so much. Category page. GoldenMaster7; Nightslayer2; Thequeenrj; Professor Milo; Admins. Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Henri Ducard, Harvey Dent Summary: The faster you fall, the further away the bottom gets. ArcadeCloud presents a Batman Cartoon Animation! Summary: It only takes a single stone to start an avalanche. Gotham Fandom: Batman (Nolanverse) Pairing: Bruce/Selina Rating: PG-13 Words: 492 Timeline: Post-The Dark Knight Rises Notes: Bondage. Below lists a timeline of the chronological events in the DC Comics Extended Universe. Batman (Nolanverse) Post-Movie; Alternate Universe; Friendship; Hurt/Comfort; Humor; Killer Croc - Freeform; Spoilers; Language; Summary . The chair was comfy, well-padded. The truth is it won't at all. How would Batman Beyond fit in the Nolanverse? For Batman: Arkham Knight on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Whats the timeline of the Arkham games? It wasn’t. Frank is extremely physically fit but is overall not even near as fit as Bane is. The world of Christopher Nolan's Batman online. All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. The Caped Crusader. Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Helena Bertinelli, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson. Though the Joker Rising wasn't made to be a part of the Nolanverse, it still fits perfectly with the timeline! Explore. UPDATE: This fic is also available on Tumblr @gothic-safari-clown. Madness is the emergency exit. Spoilers for TDKR, especially the ending even though a certain part of this deviates from that ending. Dark Knight Rises. Sign In . For Batman: Arkham Knight on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Looks like NolanVerse. Wayne Enterprisesnote Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Dr. Thomas & … Batman Begins 2. Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; Nolanverse. Arrowverse Batman Timeline (Earth-Prime) Batman Original Film Hexalogy; Active Users. Having witnessed his parents' death at the hands of a mugger as a child, Bruce traveled the world as an adult to train and understand the criminal mind in order to combat it. In The Dark Knight the Joker says “Let’s wind the clocks back a year. The rest of the villains that have yet to appear in the Nolanverse. Joker Rising 3. The latest Tweets from The Nolanverse (@TheNolanverse). Helena had expected the witness stand to be uncomfortable. So, I decided to put together a timeline for the Nolanverse (yes, there is more than just the trilogy) It goes as follows: 1. Batman nolanverse: What if the joker was accidentaly created by the scarecrow? Lois is secretly pregnant; she also starts dating Richard White. | | Batman (Nolanverse) Batman is the alias and second identity of billionaire Bruce Wayne, son of Thomas and Martha Wayne. With Batman Vs.Superman gearing up to start production this spring, has unearthed several new details regarding Ben Affleck's Batman in this highly-anticipated superhero sequel. Batman Begins: 2007; The Dark Knight: 2008; The Dark Knight Rises: 2016; In Begins he is 8 years old when his parents are murdered. You can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. Did your balls drop off? Archived . batman dc dccomics timeline arkhamcity arkhamorigins arkhamknight arkhamasylum arkhamverse. modernww2fare. Joker Blogs (Series) [Incomplete] 5. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top Rated Shows Most Popular Shows Browse TV Shows … This will follow the plot of the movie, although the timeline has been very slightly tweaked. Batman Begins takes place in 2005. The World's Greatest Detective. Hi there! Think Batman will use machine guns?" ( “I can get out of these,” Bruce informs her, and she can hear the raise of an eyebrow in his voice. ) Kévin Lex Minotti. r/batman: The Dark Knight. Fandom: Batman, Nolanverse Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 506 Timeline: Batman Begins to The Dark Knight. Ol' Pointy Ears. Spoilers. This is a very self-indulgent AU that draws from several different canons of the DCU and ignoring others, based in the Batman Begins Nolanverse. His parents Jack and Jeanne took him to see the traveling circus when he was old enough. I have added a note to that article, as per the Batman Begins note on The Penguin (Danny DeVito) concerning a similar thing-- Acer4666 17:28, September 15, 2011 (UTC) Tim Drake was an orphan who became Red Robin. He is probably the most physically fit character in the Nolanverse. The Dark Knight 4. 82. Becoming the Dark Knight, he dedicated himself to protect Gotham City. He is the adopted son of Dick Grayson. Movies. A place to discuss the batman and all things batman … Entire Hitman Story in 3 Minutes! Bane is a fictional character and supervillain in the DC Comics, and a major antagonist of the Batman comics and series. The serial starred Lewis Wilson as Batman and Douglas Croft as Robin. 14 years later he is 22 when he returns for Joe Chill’s trial, then disappears for 7 years, putting him at 29 going on 30 when he puts on the cape and cowl.. For writers_choice, prompt "indulgence". ( When Bruce remembers his parents’ death, the feeling is that of the ground dropping out from under him.

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