But there is no harm in failing . Kevin Fowler who co-wrote the song with Kim Tribble, also recorded this song on his 2007 album Bring It On, also released his version as a single, but it failed to chart. Have a wonderful day! Michelle Branch and Jessica Harp sing about being reduced to sexual objects, as “one more girl on a stage, just one more ass that got stuffed in some jeans.” what about Midnight Train to Georgia. ", --"Jackie Blue" (The Ozark Mountain Daredevils). 1. - Christ Bradford, British children's writer, SSG Robert Stewart via Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0, modified by FlourishAnyway. The race is on and it looks like heartaches, and the winner loses all. "We are all failures ... at least the best of us are." The Desperate Has a Mission 5. It might be because of a breakup. Entries are listed by order of their first performance in the contest; entry numbers provide a cumulative total of all songs performed at the contest throughout its history, and a second cumulative total outlines the total entries for each country. Losing comments, not the poem itself. The leading ladies of country are here, and they’re ready to be recognized. The Best Country Anti-Love Songs Cheatin' Hearts, Friends in Low Places, and Crazy Ex-Girlfriends. Share PINTEREST Email Print Tetra Images / Getty Images Music. By Megan Stein. Terrilynn1 - Thank you for your encouragement. 2. Typically those songs come from country musicians and Christian songwriters, but occasionally more liberal artists manage to write songs that annoy their left-wing friends. Make a playlist about losers and failing. Join the leader in online dating services and find a date today. Always Fleeting Relationships in the End 10. Move over Blake Shelton and Luke Bryan! Have a good weekend! FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on July 20, 2017: Shyron - Please forgive that I'm just now getting around to answering this. I love the song choices. 60 on the Billboard Hot 100, 3/2/74 (and No. Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on May 24, 2017: The Little River Band and 3 Doors Down tunes popped into my head immediately when I saw the playlist title. country songs about leaving the past behind search engine by freefind: advanced: Type in an artist's name or song title in the space above for a quick search of Classic Country Music lyrics website. Failing is tripping, falling, and then trying again. Winners are losers who learn from their experience. By. There's one of these in every crowd. Hello, loneliness. "There is no failure except in no longer trying." Lovely collection of songs. I'm also adding it to a playlist that I am researching on songs about poverty and homelessness. I have added George Michael's remake of Bing Crosby's classic (simply because it's more recent and George Michael has such a lovely voice). But as it turns out, the girl he likes is as much of a misfit as he is. This song is a plea from the perspective of someone who died and is a reminder to remember him or her and keep living your life. You didn’t really think about it at the time, it’s only later you think, God! The more of the following qualities you have, the more likely you are to be a LOSER or FAILURE: 1) You shirk personal accountability: blaming the victim, passing the buck, pointing the finger, denying problems exists. The following tables list the entries which have been performed at the contest over its history. Released in March 2014, Kira Isabella’s “Quarterback” is one of the first mainstream country songs to tackle the topic of rape culture. Finders Keepers Losers Weepers lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use only, this is a very good country song recorded by Elvis Presley. “The Winner” and other losers: country bar-fight songs. I hope you are well. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Feeling defeated after a break-up that she didn't seek, the broken-hearted protagonist in this 1980 pop song feels like she has lost everything. Do Your Dreams Involve Me? This has helped me appreciate bands/artists with self-deprecating names, though. 11. Better Class Of Losers by Randy Travis is a song from the album High Lonesome and reached the Billboard Top Country Songs. The poor sorry sucker in this 1979 rock song was low on cash so he committed armed robbery. I completely agree with you that anyone with a hint of success has failed miserably at something. Elton John may have declared Saturday the night for fightin’ and Link Wray may have been ready to “Rumble,” but sure as red, white and blue the soundtrack to a bar fight is honky tonk country. "Success walks hand in hand with failure along Hollywood Boulevard. He’s leaving his friends – that she calls losers – behind and finally he realizes it’s not who he is. Barrie, Scottish writer, Howard Ignatius via Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0, modified by FlourishAnyway. Notes From a Failure 11. However, he warns her that later when she regrets their break-up, it'll be her who will need to lean on a friend for support.
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