He was of the House of della Rovere, a noble but impoverished family, the son of Raffaelo della Rovere[a] and Theodora Manerola, a lady of Greek ancestry. [131] The French writer Philippe de Mornay (1549–1623) accused all Italians of being sodomites, but added specifically: "This horror is ascribed to good Julius. It was being reported in France by June 1496, moreover, that King Charles intended to have a papal election in France and to have Cardinal della Rovere elected pope. In this office he was responsible for collecting all the revenues owed to the cardinals as a group (from ad limina visits, for example) and for the proper disbursements of appropriate shares to cardinals who were in service in the Roman Curia. This latter group includes the British Royal Air Force and many current and former Commonwealth air forces—e.g. L'incendio della cattedrale di Notre-Dame è stato un incendio avvenuto nella cattedrale di Notre-Dame di Parigi nel tardo pomeriggio del 15 aprile 2019. On 14 July, Cardinal Ascanio Sforza, della Rovere's sworn enemy, fled Rome with all his property and friends. [16] Giuliano was educated by his uncle, Fr. The King made several demands of Pope Alexander, one of which was that the Castel S. Angelo be turned over to French forces. In recent years in the American service there is a tendency to use flag officer and flag rank to refer to generals and admirals of the services collectively. [63] Louis offered Cesare another of his relatives, the "beautiful and rich" Charlotte d'Albret,[64] whom Cesare married at Blois on 13 May 1499. In some nations (particularly in the Commonwealth since the 1920s), the equivalent to brigadier general is brigadier, which is not always considered by these armies to be a general officer rank, although it is always treated as equivalent to the rank of brigadier general for comparative purposes. [53] This Pope Alexander refused to do, claiming that Cardinal della Rovere would occupy it and become master of Rome. This re-asserted a strong relation between Florence and Rome, a lasting legacy of Julius II. [3] In his Julius Excluded from Heaven, the scholar Erasmus of Rotterdam described a Pope Julius II in the afterlife planning to storm Heaven when he is denied entry. Innocent looked for new allies and settled on the Republic of Florence. He also warned King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain that Alexander was intriguing with the French, which brought an immediate visit of a Spanish ambassador to the Pope. [97] He refused to shave, showing utter contempt for the hated French occupation. The system used either a brigadier general or a colonel general rank (i.e. The barons seized L'Aquila and appealed to the Pope for assistance as their feudal overlord. general of the infantry, general of the cavalry and general of the artillery. On 22 August 1476 he founded the Collegium de Ruvere in Avignon. With some courage Julius marched his army to Bologna and then against the French to Mirandola. [76] The rooms were used to accommodate Emperor Charles V on his visit to the Vatican after the Sack of Rome (1527), and subsequently, they became the residence of the Cardinal-nephew and then the Secretary of State. It was reported that France had deposited 200,000 ducats into a bank account to promote della Rovere's candidature, while the Republic of Genoa had deposited 100,000 ducats to the same end. Indeed, on the day of his election, he declared:.mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, I will not live in the same rooms as the Borgias lived. [7], At the Congress of Mantua in 1512, Julius II ordered the restoration of Italian families to power in the vacuum of French rule: the Imperial Swiss led by Massimiliano Sforza restored Sforza rule in Milan, and a Spanish army led by Giovanni de Medici restored Medici rule in Florence. When Cesare Borgia passed through southern France in October 1498 on his way to meet King Louis XII for his investiture as Duke of Valentinois, he stopped in Avignon and was magnificently entertained by Cardinal della Rovere. [52] The King entered Rome with his army on 31 December 1495, with Giuliano della Rovere riding on one side and Cardinal Ascanio Sforza riding on the other. [36] On 28 December 1484, Giuliano participated in the investiture of his brother Giovanni as Captain-General of the Papal Armies by Pope Innocent VIII. [b] Among other things, Julius wanted possession of Venetian Romagna; Emperor Maximilian I wanted Friuli and Veneto; Louis XII wanted Cremona, and Ferdinand II desired the Apulian ports. Cesare Borgia, Duke of Romagna, shared the same fate and lost his possessions. Saved by an allegory to the Expulsion of Helidorus, the French gone, Julius collapsed once again in late 1512, very seriously ill once more. . Pope Sixtus IV paid a formal visit to the newly restored building on 1 May 1482, and it may be that Giuliano was already in residence then. Julius was fully aware that his death was imminent, and though he had been a witness to a good deal of simony at papal conclaves and had been a practitioner himself, he was determined to stamp out the abuse. The rank of captain-general began appearing around the time of the organisation of professional armies in the 17th century. In 1476 the office of Legate was added, and he left Rome for France in February. [44], On 23 March 1486, the pope sent Giuliano as Papal Legate to the Court of King Charles VIII of France to ask for help. His reign must be obliterated. The rescue of the city on 1 September 1512 saved Rome from another invasion, ousting Soderini, and returning the dynastic rule of the Medici. In 1508, he commissioned the Raphael Rooms and Michelangelo's paintings in the Sistine Chapel. Season 1 Having achieved this goal, he formed an anti-French "Holy League" with Venice following the defeat of the latter at the Battle of Agnadello. His remains lay alongside his uncle, Pope Sixtus IV, but were later desecrated during the Sack of Rome in 1527. The fifth session was held on 16 February, but Pope Julius was too ill to attend. [6] Figure ci-dessous la liste des généraux français et étrangers ayant servi dans les armées de la Révolution et du Premier Empire français. The Bishop of Como, Scaramuccia Trivulzio, then read from the pulpit a bull of Pope Julius, Si summus rerum, dated that very day and containing within its text the complete bull of 14 January 1505, Cum tam divino. Serjeant was eventually dropped from both rank titles, creating the modern rank titles. [33], Around this time, in 1483, an illegitimate daughter was born, Felice della Rovere. [84] Perugia voluntarily surrendered in March 1507 to direct control, as it had always been within the Papal States; it was in these endeavors he had enlisted French mercenaries. In a short time, both Henry VIII, King of England (1509–47), and Maximilian I also joined the Holy League of 1511 against France. [120], On 18 April 1506 Pope Julius II laid the foundation stone of the new St. Peter's Basilica for the successful architect, Donato Bramante. In a second attempt to overthrow the Aragonese monarchy, the Prince of Salerno Antonello II di Sanseverino, on the advice of Antonello Petrucci and Francesco Coppola, gathered together several feudal families belonging to the Guelph faction and supporting the Angevin claim to Naples. Agostino Chigi della Rovere, III principe di Farnese (1744-1769) Sigismondo Chigi Albani della Rovere, IV principe di Farnese (1769-1793) Agostino Chigi Albani della Rovere, V principe di Farnese (1793-1855) Sigismondo Chigi Albani della Rovere, VI principe di Farnese (1855-1877) Mario Chigi Albani della Rovere, VII principe di Farnese (1877-1914) Chief of Joint Staff Japan Self-Defense Forces and Chief of Staff Japan Air Self-Defense Force. [87] Moreover, the Pope's interest in Urbino was widely known in the French court. [67], Another break in relations between Pope Alexander and Cardinal Giuliano came at the end of 1501 or the beginning of 1502 when Giuliano was transferred from the Bishopric of Bologna to the diocese of Vercelli. [102] The real stimulus came from a false council which took place in 1511, called the Conciliabulum Pisanum, inspired by Louis XII and Maximilian I as a tactic to weaken Julius, and which threatened Julius II with deposition. Decrees were made in the interests of the Roman nobility, in whose shoes the new pope now stepped. As part of the Renaissance program of reestablishing the glory of antiquity for the Christian capital, Rome, Julius II took considerable effort to present himself as a sort of emperor-pope, capable of leading a Latin-Christian empire. The term general is used in two ways: as the generic title for all grades of general officer and as a specific rank. A general officer is an officer of high rank in the armies, and in some nations' air forces, space forces, or marines.. Although Raphael's original was lost, it was thought to relate closely to the personal iconography of Stanza della Segnatura, commissioned by Pope Julius himself. Others suggest that Julius had little sense of humor. The conciliarist movement promoted by foreign monarchs was crushed, and Julius II affirmed ultramontanism at the Fifth Lateran Council. p. 74. [41] On Palm Sunday, 20 March, Cardinal della Rovere, concealing his activities from his principal rival, Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia (later Pope Alexander VI), rode out of Rome and took ship at Ostia, intending to head for Genoa and Avignon to prepare to wage war between the Church and the King of Naples, Ferdinand I (Ferrante). Pope Julius was reported to be seriously ill in a dispatch received in Venice on 10 February 1513. As he was returning to the north, his army was defeated at the Battle of Foronovo on 5 July 1495, and his Italian adventure came to an end. [90][page needed] In 1508, Julius was fortuitously able to form the League of Cambrai with Louis XII, King of France, Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (proclaimed without coronation as Emperor by Pope Julius II at Trent in 1508) and Ferdinand II, King of Aragon. In Rome, the Orsini allied themselves with Ferrante's son Alfonso, and therefore the Colonna supported the Pope in the street fighting that ensued. [52], In December 1503, Julius issued a dispensation allowing the future Henry VIII of England to marry Catherine of Aragon; Catherine had previously been briefly married to Henry's older brother Prince Arthur, who had died, but Henry later argued that she had remained a virgin for the five months of the marriage. [31], On 31 January 1483 Cardinal della Rovere was promoted suburbicarian Bishop of Ostia, in succession to Cardinal Guillaume d'Estouteville who had died on 22 January. Until the 20th century, a Cardinal did not have to be in major Holy Orders (Bishop, Priest, Deacon—which involved the vow of celibacy), unless he hoped to vote in a papal conclave. On 24 July 1493, Cardinal della Rovere returned to Rome (despite the warnings of Virginius Orsini) and dined with the Pope. However, different countries use different systems of stars or other insignia for senior ranks. Della Rovere, who was trying to repair his relations with the House of Borgia, was also involved in another clause of the treaty, the marriage between Cesare Borgia and Carlotta, the daughter of the King of Naples, who had been brought up at the French Court. Such rank designations were also introduced in the Imperial Russian Army, firstly by the emperor Peter I. [110] On Christmas Eve, Julius ordered Paris to summon the College of Cardinals and the Sacristan of the Apostolic Palace, quia erat sic infirmus, quod non-speraret posse diu supravivere. Usually it is the most senior peacetime rank, with more senior ranks (for example, field marshal, marshal of the air force, fleet admiral) being used only in wartime or as honorary titles. [11] His successor, Pope Leo X, along with Emperor Maximilian, would re-establish the status quo ante bellum in Italy by ratifying the treaties of Brussels and Noyon in 1516; France regained control of Milan after the victory of Francis I at the Battle of Marignano, and Spain was recognized as the direct ruler of Naples. He encouraged trade with the sizable Turkish community at these ports. In the old European system, a general, without prefix or suffix (and sometimes referred to informally as a "full general"), is usually the most senior type of general, above lieutenant general and directly below field marshal as a four-star rank (NATO OF-9). The rank of general came about as a "captain-general", the captain of an army in general (i.e., the whole army). In the framework of Rome's urban renewal (Renovatio Romae), the pope commissioned to Bramante the creation of two new straight streets respectively on the left and right bank of the Tiber: the Via Giulia and the Via della Lungara. [117] He did much to improve and beautify the city. Leben. Nicknamed the Warrior Pope or the Fearsome Pope, he chose his papal name not in honour of Pope Julius I but in emulation of Julius Caesar. [54] Charles soon conquered Naples, making his triumphal entry on 22 February 1495, but he was forced to remove most of his army. "[109] Nonetheless, he continued his restless activities, including Masses, visits to churches, and audiences. [66], Pope Alexander then turned his attention, stimulated by the Venetians, to the threat of the Osmanli Turks. A general officer is an officer of high rank in the armies, and in some nations' air forces, space forces, or marines.[a]. [68], On 21 June 1502, Pope Alexander sent his secretary, Francesco Troche (Trochia), and Cardinal Amanieu d'Albret (brother-in-law of Cesare Borgia) to Savona to seize Cardinal della Rovere by stealth and bring him back to Rome as quickly as possible and turn him over to the Pope. The two dynasties became uneasy allies in the context of papal politics. Peace was restored in 1487, but Innocent VIII's papacy was discredited. [29] He returned to Rome on 3 February 1482. "[83][page needed] Julius, who modeled himself after his namesake Caesar, would personally lead his army across the Italian peninsula under the imperial war-cry, "Drive out the barbarians." [94] The achievements of the League soon outstripped the primary intention of Julius. In addition, there is a third system, the Arab system of ranks, which is used throughout the Middle East and North Africa but is not used elsewhere in the world. [52] In November 1511, a council met at Pisa, called by rebel cardinals with support from the French king and the Empire; they demanded the deposition of Charles II at Pisa. He died of a fever in the night of 20–21 February 1513. [47], On 31 August 1492 the new Pope, Alexander VI, held a consistory in which he named six cardinal legates, one of whom was Giuliano della Rovere, who was appointed Legate in Avignon. [85], Urbino's magnificent court palace was infiltrated by French soldiers in the pay of the Duke of Gonzaga; the Montefeltro Conspiracy against his loyal cousins earned the occupying armies the Pope's undying hatred. [28], Giuliano was again named Papal Legate to France on 28 April 1480, and left Rome on 9 June. delta(Del nombre de la letra griega delta.) The passer-by in white translucent toga and da Vinci smile, is supposedly Francesco Maria Della Rovere (1490-1538), nephew of Julius II and later Duke of Urbino. However, it is likely that the closeness was down to the fact that he simply knew how to handle him well. Other nomenclatures for general officers include the titles and ranks: In addition to militarily educated generals, there are also generals in medicine and engineering. Julius II brought the Catholic Ferdinand II of Aragon into the alliance, declaring Naples a papal fief and promising a formal investiture. [95] The Venetians, on making humble submission, were absolved at the beginning of 1510, and shortly afterward France was placed under papal interdict. Italy wasn't at peace either. On 1 September 1499 Lodovico Il Moro fled Milan, and on 6 September the city surrendered to the French. Le Lion d'or ou Lion d'or du meilleur film (Leone d'oro al miglior film) est la principale récompense attribuée à un film au cours de la Mostra de Venise depuis 1949. In June Federico of Altamura was back in Rome and held conversations with Della Rovere, assuring him of Neapolitan protection. "[98], Whereupon Julius entered into another Holy League of 1511: in alliance with Ferdinand II of Aragon and the Venetians he conspired against the Gallican liberties. He usurped the papal power by the devil's aid, and I forbid under the pain of excommunication anyone to speak or think of Borgia again. The pope's hirsute chin may have raised severe, even vulgar criticism, as at one Bologna banquet held in 1510 at which papal legate Marco Cornaro was present. Both houses desired an end to the occupation of Italian lands by the armies of France. ", Eugène Müntz, "Giuliano da San Gallo et Les monuments antiques du midi de la France au XV, Mark J Zucker, Raphael and the Beard of Pope Julius II, pp.525-527, Carlotta, the daughter of the King of Naples, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Above all, the notion of Julius II for barbarian hostilty seems to have been a genuine inspiration...the Pope's desired derived...from the Pope's harbouring an ancient grudge against them, or because over the years his suspicion grew into hate, or because he desired 'the glory of being the man who liberated Italy from the barbarians', History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Germany, "Papal Politics and Raphael's Stanza Della Segnatura as Papal Golden Age", Sermon Cardinal Sodano on the pontificate of Pope Julius II, Camerlengo of the Sacred College of Cardinals, International Alliance of Catholic Knights, Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution, Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, Prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart, Persecutions of the Catholic Church and Pius XII, Pope Pius XII Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pope_Julius_II&oldid=1014721914, 15th-century Italian Roman Catholic archbishops, 16th-century Italian Roman Catholic archbishops, Roman Catholic prince-bishops in the Holy Roman Empire, Major Penitentiaries of the Apostolic Penitentiary, 15th-century Roman Catholic bishops in Sicily, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from October 2020, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from March 2021, Articles needing additional references from October 2020, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from March 2018, Vague or ambiguous geographic scope from March 2012, Pages using S-rel template with ca parameter, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Rafaello della Rovere and Theodora Manerola, This page was last edited on 28 March 2021, at 18:57.
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