Noganosh Lake Provincial Park. French River Canoe Routes Maps There are a couple of versions of French River paddling maps. Route description: Hartley Bay, Wanapitei Bay, Main Outlet, Sabine Island, Fox Bay, Dock Island, Vixen Island, Eastern Outlet, Bass Lake, Hartley Bay. French Delta loop. The French River became so named by the Ojibwa Indians as it brought the French, or the ‘stick-wavers’ as they were called, to their native lands. Pickerel River (French River Prov. ... 858106295/ Route 2: Visiting Georgian Bay. Everything of primarily coastal nature from the downstream end of Lake Superior to Tobermory. Also Callan, Kevin. ... 08&t=18650, Upper French River. Firefly Books, Richmond Hill and Buffalo (2011). 3., Lower French River. For this trip, we started at French River Supply, just off Hwy 69 and left the other car at Hartley Bay for the way out. ... Island.pdf, La Vase portage, Lake Nipissing, French River, Georgian Bay.Online, Guide. Author: Blair Caron. Lower French River., Noganosh Lake - Wolf River - Pickerel River area. Title at source: My awesome friend Kevin Callan had been there and had written about the area in his book Top 50 Canoe Routes of Ontario. The two branches as well as the various points of entry make the Spanish River interesting for any type of paddlers. Route description: Rte 522, Wolf River and Lake, Mosquito Rapids, Pine Lake, dam, Little Wolf Lake, The Big Eddy, Dollars Lake, S Narrows and Rte 522, Kawigamog Lake, Pickerel River (upstream), Toad Lake, The Outlet, Wauquimakog Lake, Port Loring, Rte 522. Ontario French River Adventures outfitters offers guided individual, group excursions and self guided wilderness canoe, kayak trips and workshops in the Ontario French River & Killarney regions. Route description: River View Marina, Concord Island, Little French River, Free-Flow Channel, Otter Bay, Bear Bay, Five Finger Rapids, Main Channel, Boom Island, Marshall Island, Satchels Bay, Sumner Island, Hunters Bay, Hunt Island, Comfort Island, Marina. The Restoule Upper French Route is a 72 km route, with 12 portages, that generally takes between 4 and 6 days to complete. Dry Pine Bay to Hartley Bay. A Paddler’s Guide to The Rivers of Ontario and Quebec, Boston Mills Press, Erin (2003). If a trip into our Boreal forest landscapes isn't on your bucket list, well it should be. Georgian Bay coastal kayaking is available through the French River Delta. Falls Chain Loop. Killarney and the French River, A Paddler's Guide. ... 08&t=38046 French River. Photos: Title at source: The Wolf-Pickerel Route. Boston Mills Press, Erin (2003). Source: Callan, Kevin. Eastern Outlet. ... 08&t=13649, Lower French River. ... Island.pdf. Lower French River. Title at source: French river 18 mile island loop...well sort of. If sleeping under the stars is not for you, check out The Cottages at Hartley Bay for your overnight accommodations and paddling packages. Top 50 Canoe Routes of Ontario. Killarney. Upper French River. ... 383831003/ 1. Route description: Loon’s Landing, Ouellette Rapids, Wigwam Island, Ash Bay, Cedar Rapids, Commanda Island, Blue Chute, Crooked Rapids, Dalton’s Point, Canoe Pass, Dry Pine Bay, Loon’s Landing. Boat Shrinkwrap and Winterization Service, Checklist: Summer Camping Trip Packing Essentials, Traditional Camping in Northern Ontario Cottages. Lower French River. French River, Pickerel River, Key River and area. Where is the French River? Lower French River. Author: Richard. Title at source: French River: A Short River with a Long History. Author: Toni Harting. Title at source: French River Delta - June 13 - 16, 2009. ... 384417613/ Western Channel, Old Voyageur Channel, Cross Channel, Georgian Bay, Pickerel River. Report, photos, map: Please visit our French River Canoeing and Back Country Camping pages for more information. Dokis, Lake Nipissing; loop. Author: Stajanleafs. Hwy 522 to Kelsie Lake; return. Killarney and the French River, A Paddler's Guide. ... chExns.pdf, Lower French River. French River Provincial Park. Online, Video. Photos: Pickerel River, Smoky Lake and Noganosh Lake Restoule Provincial Park. Eastern Outlet, Georgian Bay, Pickerel River. Eighteen Mile Island Loop. A brief history of the French River. A Paddler’s Guide to Killarney and the French River. The Spanish River starts of as two different branches, the East and the West. Upper French River. Video: Source: Canoeing Ontario. Wolf Creek, near Killarney Provincial Park. Eastern Outlet, return. Boom Island Loop - This great paddling trip is perfect for those you are looking to test the waters of the French River for a few hours. Title at source: Wolseley Bay to Dry Pine Bay, Fall CCR "Gathering" (September 29 - October 3, 2000). Route description: Hartley Bay, Wanapitei Bay, Main Outlet, The Elbow, Eastern Outlet, Bass Lake, tramway, Obstacle Island, Dead Island Channel, Western Outlet (Pickerel), Pickerel "River", Ox Bay, Wanapitei Bay, Hartley Bay. Source: Canadian Canoe Routes, Ontario Forum. ... 08&t=37891 Top 50 Canoe Routes of Ontario. ... 384417613/ Eighteen Mile Bay, North Channel; return. CCR thread: Killbear Provincial Park, Massasauga Provincial Park (except when used primarily to access the Bay), Sturgeon Bay Provincial Park), Magnetawan River, Naiscoot River, Gibson River area (Gibson River, Six-Mile Lake, McDonald River, McCrae Lake, etc), Moon River, Musquash River, Severn River, Nottawasaga River, Beaver River. Trip Plan. Journal, Guide. While the French River Delta offers varies routes for paddlers to explore, check out these popular Northern Ontario back country camping routes, day trips and cottage-based paddling packages to begin planning your epic French River journey! The trail from the Visitor Centre leads to a nearby suspension bridge and picnic area, and 1.5 km westward, to Recollet Falls, a small, 100 m wide cascade. Journal Printing, Sudbury (year?). Author: Darren Cope. Online, Journal. French River Trails and Routes The French River links Lake Nipissing with Georgian Bay through a 105-kilometre span of interconnecting lakes, gorges and rapids that provide a variety of water routes, scenery and exceptional recreational water activities. This entry was written by Allan Jacobs. Ed note: Nastawgan article and Photos. Route description: Dry Pine Bay (Loon’s Landing Resort), Meshaw Falls, Eighteen Mile Bay, North Channel, Ouellette Rapids, Wigwam Islands, Caulkins Island, Cedar Rapids, Little Pine Rapids and Commanda Island, Big Pine Rapids, Point Edward, Blue Chute and The Ladder, Big Parisien Rapids, Devil Chute, Little Parisien Rapids, Crooked Rapids, Cross Island, Haystack Islands, hydro lines, Canoe Pass, Dry Pine Bay., Lower French River. 1. Our location allows you to launch from our sandy beach or from our designated canoe dock directly onto the river and enjoy routes that range from an hour to several days or even weeks. Park). Guide. Photo show: Route description: Hartley Bay, Wanapitei Bay, Western Channel, Pig Island, Old Voyageur Channel, Cross Channel, Devil Door Rapids, Georgian Bay, Sabine Island, Obstacle Island, Eastern Outlet, Bass Lake, Wanapitei Bay, Hartley Bay. Source: Canadian Canoe Routes, Ontario Forum. Figure 8 loop from Hartley Bay. Online, Photos. Title at source: French River Trip Report. 2. Ontario Parks prints one that is detailed, complete with rapid names and camp numbers. On your return to Hartley Bay, there are at least a half dozen other channels and routes to choose from. Online, Journal, Photos. Restoule River and Upper French River. Title at source: Eighteen Mile Island Loop. Lower Pickerel River. Canoeing Ontario’s Rivers: Great Canoe Trips in Canada’s Northern Wilderness. Before providing information for the French River area, I'd like to explain how I've set up things for the Georgian Bay area in general. Route description: Put-in below Coniston Generating Station, up creek to Alice Lake, Baby Lake, Daisy Lake, Perch Lake, Lake Laurentian, take-out at Nickel District Conservation Area. ... 08&t=38092, Wanapitei River, Lower. Pickerel River downstream from Hwy 69. Sources: Private site and Canadian Canoe Routes, Ontario Forum. With that, we decided to make camp and enjoy our final night on the French River. Guide. Title at source: French River - Canoe Route Video. Grundy Title at source: Trip report- beyond Noganosh; and getting lost ! CCR thread: Route description: Restoule PP, Stormy Lake, Restoule River, Scott’s Dam, Lennon Lake, MacArthur’s Rapids, Restoule Bay, French River, ... , Lake Nipissing, Frank’s Bay, Shoal Creek, Shoal Lake, Bass Lake, Clear Lake, Stormy Lake. ... ideo_title, Lower French River. Eastern Outlet, return. Route description: Route unclear; access and egress points unclear (likely marina on the Pickerel, east of Hwy 69). Paddling & Hiking Ontario’s Southern Shield Country. Title at source: Pickerel River (French River Prov. Author: normhead. Our route. Title at source: French River - Georgian Bay - Pickerel River: Solo loop, start and finish at Hartley Bay (July 4-7, 2000). Authors: Bill and Janice Stauttener. Eastern Outlet, Georgian Bay, Pickerel River. Indeed, the Pickerel below the turn is often bone dry in places. The three Genessee Bay outlets (July 2010 status). The French and Pickerel Rivers, Their History and Their People. Grundy Lake Provincial Park. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco (1986). Ed comment: All you could ask for, and more. (A Paddler's Guide to) Killarney and the French River, Boston Mills Press, Erin (????). Content: One page of text, one road map, 13 pages of annotated river maps (Pickerel route past Hwy 69, Recollet Falls omitted). Author: RAY1984. Specific inclusions: ALLAN : Fill in. Route description: Chaudiere, Restoule River confluence, Litte Pine Rapids, Big Pine Rapids, Blue Chute and The Ladder, Little Parisien Rapids, Devil's Chute, Big Parisien Rapids, Crooked Rapids, Cross Island, Lost Child Bend, Hwy 69, Recollet Falls, First Rapids, Pickerel River confluence, Canoe Channel, Main Outlet, Dalles Rapids, several exits. This article provides a brief overview of some of the canoe routes you can traverse in Sunset Country. ... 566517499/, French River. 1 map: $20 each • 2 maps: $18 each. The Rivers of Ontario and Quebec, A Paddler's Guide. After pulling into shore, bailing out the canoe and consulting the map, we discerned that it would only be a few kilometres further to the launch location. Callan, Kevin. Upper French River. Buy in the early stages of planning your trip; it's invaluable. Guide. ... 0Dokis.pdf, Upper French River. Title at source: Old Voyageur Channel. A Paddler’s Guide to Killarney and the French River. Online, Journal, Photos. The Mehkopwamehstik Sipiy, or Red Willow River, is the longest un-dammed river in the land of the Moose Cree of northern Ontario., Lower French River. Title at source:Noganosh Lake. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Route description: Hartley Bay, Wanapitei Bay, West Channel, West Cross Channel, Old Voyageur Channel, Petite Faucille, Palmer Rocks, La Dalle, Cross Channel Rapids, past Bad River Channel, Devil’s Door Rapids, Little Jameson Rapids, Big Jameson Rapids, Finger Boards, East Cross Channel, Whitefish Bay, Sand Bay, Heschel Island, Flat Island, Dorian Island, Obstacle Island, Eastern Outlet, tramway, Bass Lake, Elbow, Main Outlet, Hartley Bay. Online, Journal. T he French River is in Ontario, Canada, flowing 105 km from Lake Nipissing to Georgian Bay. ... routeid=68, Wanapitei River, Upper. Report: Better to leave from Hartley Bay Marina – 13 kilometers brings you to The Elbow, the heart of the various French River channels to the Bay. French River Trips Ontario’s French River flows from Lake Nipissing to Georgian Bay, cutting through some of the most spectacular Canadian Shield landscape in the area., Lower French River. Hartley Bay to French River Delta Figure June /12/2011. Lower French River. Boston Mills Press, Erin (2006). ... 07&t=33000, Noganosh area. Restoule Provincial Park. Report: Richard Culpeper's report is then rather special. CCR thread: Contact information is provided at Ed note: General information regarding several trips. Author: Richard Culpeper. Eastern Outlet, Main Outlet, Georgian Bay, Eastern Outlet, Main Outlet. ALLAN: Fill in. First night was campsite 642 in Canoe Channel. French river 18 mile island loop...well sort of. The central outlet was completely blocked. ... rDelta.php Use without permission is prohibited. Grundy Lake Provincial Park. Upper French River. The reach between the lake and Hwy 69/400 is dammed twice and is blocked also by three generating stations; it is not often paddled. Route description: Hartley Bay, Western Channel, Old Voyageur Channel, West Cross Channel, Little Jameson Rapids, Main Channel, Elbow, (Bass), Hartley Bay. Trip report- beyond Noganosh; and getting lost ! Author: Darren Cope. Title at source: Eighteen Mile Island Loop. As such the river is a canoe route of historic importance as it joins the waterways of the Mattawa and Ottawa rivers with the upper Great Lakes. Noganosh area. Information. Eighteen Mile Island loop. Title at source: Kelsie Lake portages - connecting Island L to Noganosh area. Canoeists will begin at Restoule Provincial Park and follow the route the Ojibwa took with Samuel de Champlain to the French River and into Lake Nipissing (east to west). Route description: Hartley Bay, Wanapitei Bay, Western Channel, Old Voyageur Channel, Petite Faucille, Palmer Rapids, La Dalle Rapids, West Cross Channel, Cross Channel Rapids, Devil`s Door Rapids, East Cross Channel, Georgian Bay, Obstacle Island, Eastern Outlet, tramway, Bass Lake, The Elbow, Main Outlet, Wanapitei Bay, Hartley Bay. Sources: Canadian Canoe Routes, Ontario Forum; also Norm Head's library. Hidden along the banks and submerged in the waters are many relics and artifacts telling the stories of past times and industry in the French River. Our accommodation base is at the Lodge at Pine Cove. Also Callan, Kevin. A Paddler`s Guide to Ontario. The French River: A Historic Waterway. Book, Guide. Guide. Online, ALLAN French River - 5-Day Advanced Canoe Trip from 720.00 ***Covid-19 Update*** Because of the risk of possible transmission of Covid-19 between guests from different trips, we have decided not to include sleeping bags as a part of any overnight trip this year and we are asking all guests to bring their own sleeping bags. Wolseley Bay to Dry Pine Bay, Fall CCR "Gathering" (September 29 - October 3, 2000). ... ncial_Park Title at source: French River Canoe Trip. ... 08&t=34195 Route description: Pickerel River, Smoky Creek, Smoky Lake, Noganosh Lake. More photos: Route description: Dry Pine Bay (Schell’s Camp) to Hartley Bay. Boston Mills Press, Erin (2006). West French River. Author: Erhard., Noganosh Lake - Wolf River - Pickerel River area. Eighteen Mile Island Loop. We would work our way out to the Delta and then make our way over to the Bustard Islands. Callan, Kevin. Route description: Wolf Lake, Mosquito Rapids, Pine Lake, Wolf River, Dollars Lake, Ess Narrows, Kawigamog Lake, Pickerel River, Toad Lake, Wauquimokog Lake, Wilson Lake Resort. The emblem of the Friends of the French River and its significant meaning The Arrowhead represents trade in flint and ocher. Wolseley Bay to Dry Pine Bay. Route description: Restoule PP, Stormy Lake, Restoule River, Scott's Dam, Lennon Lake, MacArthur's Rapids, Restoule Bay, French River, east set of portages (Leonard Portage, Portage Channel, Chaudiere Portage; none of them at Toporama), Dokis settlement, Lake Nipissing, Frank's Bay, Shoal Creek, Shoal Lake, Sand Creek (not at Toporama), Sand Lake (Bass Lake at Toporama), Clear Lake, Long Wing, Stormy Lake. Route 1: Eighteen Mile Island Loop. Online, Journal, Photos. Wolf River, Dollars Lake, Pickerel River, Port Loring. Hartley Bay, Main Outlet, Obstacle Island, Eastern Outlet, Hartley Bay. Title at source: French River: Eighteen Mile Island Report (lengthy) . Source: Canoe Stories. It is just south of Sudbury. French River, Pickerel River, Key River, Lake Nipissing, Noganosh area (including the Wolf River), Wanapitei River below Wanapitei Lake. Nowadays, it is known as the North French River. 705-857-2038 or email - 2870 Hartley Bay Rd., French River, Ontario P0M1A0 View on map Closed for the Season - Check back May 1 – Oct 31. Eastern Outlet, Main Outlet, Georgian Bay, Eastern Outlet, Main Outlet. Sources: Private site and Canadian Canoe Routes, Ontario Forum. French River Canoe Trip The Story of a Canoe Trip Through Ontario's Restoule and French Rivers By Norm Hooper September, 2003. Authors: Bill and Janice Stauttener. French River lies … Enable JavaScript to see Google Maps. Ed note: Out of print but well worth a search. Author: Jonny. French River from Grundy Lake Provincial Park? Quetico Provincial Park. French River region. Main Outlet, Georgian Bay, Eastern Outlet. (A Paddler’s Guide to) Weekend Wilderness Adventures in Southern Ontario. Eastern Outlet, Georgian Bay, Dead Island Channel, Pickerel River, Ox Bay. Lower French River. Online, Notes, Photos. 2. Lower French River. Paddle south down the Main Outlet to Georgian Bay on your first day, spend a day exploring the countless channels and islands found at the delta, and then head back up the Eastern Outlet and Canoe Channel of the French River to Hartley Bay on the third day. Online, Information, Photos. 3 maps: $15 each • 4+ maps: $12.5 each. Authors: Bill and Janice Stauttener. Author: Chris Lawson. ... 0river.htm. Title at source: The French River: A Historic Waterway. Hwy 522 to Kelsie Lake; return. Lower French River. Author: Jonny. La Vase portage, Lake Nipissing, French River, Georgian Bay. French River: Eighteen Mile Island Report (lengthy). Source: Callan, Kevin. Chapter 9. Online, Journal, Photos. Upper French River. It was Eric Morse (Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada / Then and Now, University of Toronto Press, 1969) who located the correct route, using the old journals. Noganosh area. Reid, Ron and Janet Grand. Title at source: The French River's Old Voyageur Channel. Author: Sid Bredin. French River from Grundy Lake Provincial Park? John Lake to Island Lake connector. Places mentioned: French River, Pickerel River, Georgian Bay, Bustards. ... 07&t=33992 Access/Launch: Wolesley Bay (east of hwy 69 past Noelville) Hartley Bay Lodge French River Marina (south of bridge, west of hwy 69) Pickerel River Marina (south of bridge, west of hwy69) Difficulty Level: Novice The river is gentle (flat) and … Main Outlet, Georgian Bay, Eastern Outlet. Dokis, Lake Nipissing; loop. Coverage: Specific inclusions: Four hours north of the Greater Toronto Area and 30 minutes east of the intersection of highways 69 & 64 , French River Adventures is close at hand, yet a world away. Author: Andy Szymczak. The French River formed a vital link in the historic canoe route to the west from settlements on the St Lawrence, via the Ottawa and Mattawa Rivers and Lake Nipissing, to the upper Great Lakes. Routes in the Muskoka area (rather ill defined). Eighteen Mile Island loop. Photos: ... allery.php. Source: Entries will be sorted by access point, sometime. ... 08&t=34228, Noganosh area. Route description: Hartley Bay, Eastern Outlet, Whale’s Mouth, Dalles Rapids, site 711, Obstacle Island, site 718 (base camp for 3 days), Eastern Outlet, Bass Lake, The Elbow, Hartley Bay. Route description: Dam below Lake Nipissing to Schell's Marina. Source: Thomas, Alister. The official Canoe Routes of Algonquin Park Map contains all the basic information required by Algonquin Park’s backcountry canoeists. Friends of French River Heritage Park. Route description: Online, ALLAN Top 50 Canoe Routes of Ontario. Pr oj ecti n: NAD83 UTM Z 17 B as eD t riv dF om: L I O( nf ) P r oduc eby: O ntai k sN h Z Restoule - Upper French River Canoe Route Water River / Stream P rov inc al k F i rstNa on R ev Road # Contour Portage Canoe Route X. Killarney. Map of French River Provincial Park near the Visitor Centre. Information. Online, Journal, Photos. Wikipedia stub. Lower Pickerel River. Online, Article, Photos. Title at source: Lake Nogonosh Trip Report. ALLAN: Flesh out. I use three folders, as follows: Georgian Bay coast French River ghost town. Ed note: The Route connects John Lake (Noganosh area) to Island Lake of the Georgian Bay watershed (Magnetawan area). Online, Photos. Source: Canadian Canoe Routes, Ontario Forum. The Eastern Outlet (through Bowens Bay) is clear, including the passages on both sides of Dokis Island and the passage through Whistler Bay. Author: Jack_007 A Paddler’s Guide to The Rivers of Ontario and Quebec, Restoule -Upper French Canoe Route (Loop). Online, Journal, Map, Photos. Park). Authors: Bill and Janice Stauttener. Specific exclusions: Do not rely on it as being a precise indicator of routes, locations of features, nor as a guide to navigation. Popular French River, Northern Ontario Back Country Camping routes. Also Callan, Kevin. Campbell, William A. The Rivers of Ontario and Quebec, A Paddler's Guide. Day trips to La Petite Faucille and Eagle’s Nest. French River. Western Outlet, Old Voyageur Channel, Cross Channel, Main Channel. From the French River south to the Jesuit Huron missions at the southern end of Georgian Bay ... Map of the route of the York Factory Express, 1820s to 1840s. Day 1 Sat. Lower French River. ... hering.htm, Upper French River. Guide. Hike, picnic, camp, fly fish and experience the beautiful scenery in the area. The Che-Mun article * Featured canoe trip (Kopka River) * Trip summaries, maps and alternatives Wabakimi Canoe Route Maps Volumes I-V Sets of canoe route maps are bound in five separate volumes according to their location in a particular watershed as depicted here. Ed note: The thread includes also a map (due to Steve Galehouse) showing two portage routes to Rabbit Lake. Canoeing Ontario’s Rivers: Great Canoe Trips in Canada’s Northern Wilderness. Online, Notes. Only a 50m and 30m portage that day. Ed note: Report includes marked-up topo. The French River is located in Central Ontario, Canada and stretches a 110 kilometre distance from Lake Nipissing to Georgian Bay. Popular Day Trip Routes (Follow link for map) Boom Island Loop - This great paddling trip is perfect for those you are looking to test the waters of the French River for a few hours. Noganosh Lake - Wolf River - Pickerel River area. Lower French River. A variety of experiences ranging from wilderness paddling to motorboating, fishing and private lodges. The Pickerel River is marked as turning south about 2 km below the rail line. Western Channel, Old Voyageur Channel, Cross Channel, Georgian Bay, Eastern Outlet. Gut Lake to Pakeshkag Lake, French River Provincial Park. Lower French River. Information. Put-in at Hartley Bay and paddle to island campsite; @3km; Day 2 Sun. Source: cartespleinair (Charles Leduc Library). Online, Video. Consult a good navigational map and exercise extreme caution around waterfalls and rapids. Discover Canada's Canoe Culture and travel through the many channels and tributaries that make up this remote and scenic waterway for an adventure like no other. ... 07&t=33000, Noganosh area. Courtin, Gerald M. A little NATURAL HISTORY OF NORTHERN GEORGIAN BAY. Ed notes: Journal, Guide. This map is illustrative only. Source: Canadian Canoe Routes, Ontario Forum. Source: Route description: Hartley Bay, Wanapitei Bay, Ox Bay, Eastern Outlet, Whale`s Mouth, The Elbow, Main Outlet, Dalles Rapids, Georgian Bay, Obstacle Island, Eastern Outlet, tramway, Bass Lake, The Elbow, Main Outlet, Wanapitei Bay, Hartley Bay. 1. Wolf River, Dollars Lake, Pickerel River, Port Loring. Ed note: Kayak friendly. When you have eliminated the JavaScript , whatever remains must be an empty page. Western Channel, Old Voyageur Channel, Cross Channel, Georgian Bay, Eastern Outlet. ... vUysiwqAE#, Noganosh area. (A Paddler’s Guide to) Weekend Wilderness Adventures in Southern Ontario, Boston Mills Press, Erin (2004). John Lake to Island Lake connector. Ed note: Links to two photos are broken. Information. Western Channel and Old Voyageur Channel, from Hartley Bay. Online, Journal, Photos, Videos. The western outlet was weedy but had plenty of water. Fourteen Mile and Eighteen Mile Islands loop. A little NATURAL HISTORY OF NORTHERN GEORGIAN BAY. Regrets for the present mess. Hartley Bay; day trips from The Elbow; return. Route description: Downstream from French River Supply Post, Recollet Falls, Pickerel Bay, east on Pickerel River, Little French Rapids, Deer Bay, Eighteen Mile Bay, Cedar Rapids, Little Pine Rapids, etc. Route to John Lake, with Connector Route to the Magnetawan River system, through Kelsie Lake and Island Lake. Boston Mills Press, Erin (2003). Put out: … Author: Worth. Information. Author: Splake. Author: Sid Bredin. The stretched Beaver Pelt represents the … ... 08&t=20475 A Paddler’s Guide to Ontario. A 105 kilometre canoe route of interconnected lakes, gorges and rapids from Lake Nipissing to Georgian Bay. It begins about 70 km northeast of Cochrane, and flows for 280 km to the Moose River, only 35 km from James Bay. By using this site, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions as described in this, Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada / Then and Now, (A Paddler's Guide to) Killarney and the French River, The French and Pickerel Rivers, Their History and Their People. Source: White Squall. Noganosh area. French River – Canoeing the River of the Stick-Wavers. ( URL opens in a new window) Where did we go? Western Channel, Old Voyageur Channel, Cross Channel, Eastern Outlet. Hartley Bay; day trips from The Elbow; return. Author: Erhard Kraus. Online, Journal. Route 2: Visiting Georgian Bay. Digital Download. Source: Canadian Canoe Routes, Ontario Forum Old Voyageur's, Georgian Bay, Canoe Channel, Pickerel River, ... 07&t=33994, ... 07&t=36202, ... 07&t=33992,,,,,, ... ncial_Park,,,,,, ... 384417613/,, ... 383831003/, ... 858106295/, ... 981982034/, ... 566517499/, ... Island.pdf, ... chExns.pdf,,, ... hannel.pdf,,, ... 08&t=20475, ... RIver.html, ... 08&t=13649, ... 0river.htm, ... 08&t=38460, ... ideo_title, ... 08&t=38046,, ... 08&t=37891, ... rDelta.php, ... allery.php,,, ... 08&t=36168, ... irectlink#, ... vUysiwqAE#, ... 08&t=36405, ... 07&t=33000, ... 08&t=34195, ... 08&t=34228, ... 08&t=37958, ... l#pictures,, ... 20Trip.pdf,, ... -results=5,, ... 0Dokis.pdf,, ... 08&t=18650, ... hering.htm, ... 08&t=38092,, ... routeid=68,
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